Dangerous Faith -- vietnam- dangerous faith
Vietnam: Dangerous Faith Part 2 ; PRODUCED BY: Denise Lodde ; SUMMARY OF REPORT: In Vietnam: Dangerous Faith Part 1, we brought you an undercover look at the state of religious freedom in Vietnam. As reporter Denise Lodde discovered Christians in that country face many challenges to living out their faith --including prison. In part 2 of Vietnam: Dangerous Faith, reporter Denise Lodde speaks with men and women from tribal areas of the country, an area with the highest incidence of Christian persecution ; FEATURED IN REPORT: "Grace," husband jailed after demonstration ; "Ruth," Husband serving 12 year sentence ; "Deborah," Husband jailed for faith ; "David" tribal area pastor ; "John," tribal area pastor and Church planter ; Greg Musselman, representative of Voice of the Martyrs Canada http://www.persecution.net